support black business

Buy Black: How to Support Black Businesses and Creators

support black business

If you’ve been following the news through any media outlet, you are aware of the current fight in the Black Lives Matter movement. If you’ve taken the time to educate yourself on the systemic racism in America, shared the hashtags, signed petitions, and boosted Black voices, great! Being out in the street protesting isn’t the only way to be an ally if you’re white or a non-Black POC. 

Still, one of the best ways to support Black people is to give them money. Put your money where you mouth/hashtag is. There are plenty of charities and foundations you can donate to. In addition, there are numerous  Black businesses, small and large, you can purchase from (including this one) in lieu of brands that have been coming out as non-inclusive. 

But don’t make it a one time buy and be done. Find a brand you genuinely vibe with and can patronize in the future as you do any other business you currently shop at. When the hashtags stop trending and the media coverage shifts, know that we’ll still be here. 

To get you started, here are some directories others have put together of Black Owned Businesses:

A Big List of Black-Owned Kawaii Brands

Black Owned Etsy Shops

Black-Owned Business Directory


#DrawingWhileBlack Black Artist Directory

And as always if you haven’t checked it yet, resources for the movement and education:

Black Lives Matter/Ways You Can Help/Resources

Black Lives Matter Linktree

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